Find an Analytical Pychotherapist
About our members
The therapists listed on this register are all Analytical Psychotherapists who are fully qualified and registered with one of two national accrediting and regulatory bodies. These are the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC). All these therapists have completed an intensive training in an institute that is accredited by one of these organizations. These trainings will have been primarily founded upon the work of CG Jung and the subsequent developments in the field of Jungian analysis. They will also have an extensive grounding in both psychoanalytic theory and developmental theory. Most of the members on this register live and work in the Midlands area and they are also members of the West Midlands Institute of Psychotherapy (WMIP). This institute is affiliated to, and accredited by, the UKCP.
We have listed our members by name and by location.