The APT-Birmingham Public Lecture

Saturday 6 May 2023


Marica Rytovaara

The paper discusses the adolescent’s fascination with death in its developmental and destructive aspects, transience and transitions and the archetype of Death as the harbinger of change. Life and death do not
merely form a continuous loop but create a constant regenerative paradox where the dance alternates between mimesis and alterity. The talk will be illustrated by case material.

Marica Rytovaara is a Training Analyst of the SAP and on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Analytic Psychology. She is a Training Analyst for the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and a Consultant in Adolescent Psychotherapy in an NHS adolescent inpatient unit. Marica has a private practice in North London


This event will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing between 10:15 and 12:45.

The cost for these lectures is £45 for WMIP members and £55 for non-WMIP members.

Please note that we are now offering a discount of 50% to trainee psychotherapists and other full-time trainees (proof of student/trainee membership is required). Please refer to the attached application form for further information on fees.

Bookings should ideally be made at least a fortnight before the lecture to be attended.


Please make BACS payments as follows:

Bank: Barclays, Sort Code: 20-08-44, Account No: 03737950
Account Name: The Training in Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy
(Please use your name as a reference)

Payment by Cheque:

All cheques should be made payable to “The Training in Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy” and sent to:
Sue Harford, Administrator to the Training Committee, Unit 1A, Stockwith Park, Stockwith Road, Misterton, Nottinghamshire. DN10 4ES.

For further details and queries contact:

Sue Harford, Administrator to the Training Committee,
telephone: 07789 545908, email:

Download APTC Public Lecture A5 Booklet (pdf) >>

The APT-Birmingham
Public Lectures

For enquiries contact Sue Harford,
Administrator to the Training Committee
Unit 1A, West Stockwith Park,
Stockwith Road, Misterton,
Nottinghamshire DN10 4ES.

Telephone: 07789 545908

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